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For legislation regarding labelling

You are responsible for the labelling but how do you know that all required legislation was consulted? To what products are, in addition to the general (horizontal) legislation, additional (vertical) statutory rules applicable?

And when you want to consult the relevant legislation via the internet then websites that have the latest (consolidated) versions of legislation available (e.g. EUR-Lex) work best if you enter a number and year for the legislation.

To quickly have this information available, our professionals work with the following overview*. A handy tool, now also available to you. You can find both the horizontal and the vertical legislation in the overview, placed in column overview on keyword and alphabetic order. *Last update: February 2024.


  • WWB = Dutch Commodities Decree
  • WWR = Dutch Commodities Regulations

Food Law Guide

No time to stay abreast of the legislative amendments? Then we have the Food Law Guide for you. This cloud-based software tool informs the subscriber specifically of subjects that are relevant to its business. In addition, we offer practical customisation for the implementation of new and amended legislation. This way you keep grip and control and your business demonstrably complies with the legislation.

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Overview of legislation

Always applicable

Regulation 1333/2008

  • On the list of food additives, including colourants, sweeteners and carriers, that are permitted in food in the prescribed concentrations.

Regulation 231/2012

  • Laying down specifications for food additives listed in Annexes II and III to Regulation 1333/2008.

Regulation 1169/2011

  • On the provision of food information to consumers on labels and in advertising.

WWB Food Information 2013

  • National supplement to Regulation 1169/2011.

Directive 2011/91

  • On indications or marks identifying the lot to which food belongs.

WWB Quantities Prepackaging

  • On rules for the indication of the quantity on prepackaging.

Directive 2009/34

  • Relating to conditions for use of the E mark.

WWB Preparation and Handling of Food

  • Section 15: Rules regarding the indication of the best before date and the indication of the storage period.

Directive 2007/45

  • Laying down rules on nominal quantities for prepacked products (including wines and distilled beverages).

Communication of the European Commission of 13 July 2017

  • Relating to the provision of information on substances or products causing allergies or intolerances. This Communication is meant to assist undertakings and national authorities in the application of the new rules of Regulation 1169/2011.

Regulation 1321/2013

  • Contains a list of authorised smoke flavourings.

Regulation 1334/2008

  • On the list of flavourings and certain food ingredients with flavouring properties permitted for use in and on food.

Regulation 2065/2003

  • On smoke flavourings used or intended for use in or on food.

Regulation 2018/848

  • On organic production and labelling of organic products.

Regulation 2021/279

  • Laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Regulation 2018/848 on controls and other measures ensuring traceability and compliance in organic production and the labelling of organic products.

Regulation 2021/771

  • Supplementing Regulation 2018/848 by laying down specific criteria and conditions for the checks of documentary accounts in the framework of official controls in organic production and the official controls of groups of operators.

Regulation 2021/1165

  • Authorising certain products and substances for use in organic production and establishing their lists .

Regulation 2021/2325

  • Establishing, pursuant to Regulation 2018/848, the list of third countries and the list of control authorities and control bodies that have been recognised under Article 33 (2) and (3) of Regulation 834/2007 for the purpose of importing organic products into the Union.

Skal rules

  • National rules of the supervisory authority for organic production.

Regulation 1924/2006

  • On nutrition and health claims made on food.

Regulation 2019/343

  • On the use of certain generic descriptions (derogations from Article 1 paragraph 3 of Regulation 1924/2006).

Regulation 1925/2006

  • On the addition of vitamins and minerals and certain other substances to food.

WWB Addition Micronutrients to Food

  • National addition to Regulation 1925/2006.

Regulation 432/2012

  • Establishing a list of permitted health claims made on food, other than those referring to the reduction of disease risk and to children's development and health.

Decision 2013/63

  • Adopting guidelines for the implementation of specific conditions for health claims laid down in Article 10 of Regulation 1924/2006.

Directive 89/108

  • Laying down rules on the freezing of food and the relevant labelling method of this process.

WWR Frozen Food

  • National implementation of Directive 89/108. Includes, among other things, a rule for the measurement of the temperature of frozen products.

Directive 1999/2

  • On the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning food and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation.

WWB Radiated Commodities 1992

  • Contains the list of food that can be radiated.

Regulation 1332/2008

  • Establishing the list of food enzymes permitted for use in food.

Regulation 1829/2003

  • On genetically modified food and feed.

Regulation 1830/2003

  • Concerning the traceability and labelling of genetically modified organisms and the traceability of food and feed products produced from genetically modified organisms.

WWB New Food and Genetically Modified Food

  • Includes, among other things, the indication "prepared without genetic engineering" and additional requirements.

Regulation 828/2014

  • On the requirements for the provision of information to consumers on the absence or reduced presence of gluten in food.

Regulation (EU) 2018/775

  • Regarding the rules for indicating the country of origin or place of provenance of the primary ingredient of a food.

Regulation 1151/2012

  • This Regulation lays down rules on the use of protected designation of origin (PDO) or protected geographical indication (PGI) on processed products and guaranteed traditional specialties (GTS). The Regulation also introduces the possibility of optional quality indications, e.g. "mountain product”.

Guidelines 2010/C 341/03

  • Guidelines for the interpretation of the rules laid down in Regulation 1151/2012

Regulation 251/2014

  • On the definition, description, presentation, labelling and protection of geographical indications (PGI) of aromatised wine products.

Communication of the Commission 2017/C 393/05

  • This Communication of the Commission contains guidelines for businesses and national authorities on the application of the principle of quantitative ingredient declaration (QID) within the framework of Regulation 1169/2011.

Regulation 2073/2005

  • On microbiological criteria for food (including histamine in fish products) and process hygiene criteria.

WWB Preparation and Handling of Food

  • Contains, in addition to Regulation 2073/2005, microbiological criteria for Salmonella, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus.

Various Hygiene Codes

  • These codes contain arrangements about microbiological criteria that were established by the relevant industries, in addition to the official regulations, for certain activities.

Regulation 2015/2283

  • Laying down rules for the marketing in the Union of novel foods (including ingredients).

Implementing Regulation 2017/2468

  • Laying down administrative and scientific requirements concerning traditional food from third countries in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 regarding novel food.

Implementing Regulation 2017/2469

  • Laying down administrative and scientific requirements for applications referred to in Article 10 of Regulation 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and the Council on novel foods.

Implementing Regulation 2017/2470

  • Establishing the Union list of novel foods in accordance with Regulation 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and the Council on novel foods.

WWB Novel Foods and Genetically Modified Food

  • Implements a part of Regulation 2015/2283 and lays down rules for use of the term " prepared without genetic engineering".

Regulation 2023/915

  • Regards maximum levels of certain contaminants in food.

Regulation 396/2005

  • Regards maximum residue levels of pesticides in food and feed.

Guidance Document EU

  • Establishing the tolerances of nutritional values claimed on a label (document is meant as a standard document for inspection by supervisory authorities).

Specific foods

WWB Reserved indications

  • The following names must and can exclusively be used: vinegar, mayonnaise, fruit wine, ice cream, mustard, lemonade, soft drink, beer, non-alcoholic beer, low-alcohol beer, lager, brown, bock, kograin wine, egg liqueur, vieux liqueur, brandy, fruit brandy and liquorette.

Legally mandatory names

  • The names mentioned in the following legislation : cocoa and chocolate; preserved fruit products; fruit juice / lemonade; coffee and chicory products; milk proteins (casein and caseinates) and packed waters, must and can exclusively be used for these products.

Various other reserved indications

  • The names mentioned in the following specific legislation: bread and farinaceous products; sugars and sugar products; dairy products; meat, minced meat and meat products; spices and condiments; olive oil; spreadable fat products; and dehydrated milk products, are exclusively reserved for these products.

Regulation 1308/2013

  • Establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products. Article 119: compulsory indications for wine. Article 120: optional indications with wine, e.g. year of harvest, grape varieties and production methods.

Regulation (EU) 2019/33

  • Supplement to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 as regards applications for protection of designations of origin, geographical indications and traditional terms in the wine sector, the objection procedure, restrictions of use, amendments to product specifications, cancellation of protection, and labelling and presentation.

Regulation (EU) 2019/787

  • On the definition, description, presentation and labelling of spirit drinks, the use of the names of spirit drinks in the presentation and labelling of other foodstuffs, the protection of geographical indications for spirit drinks, and the use of ethyl alcohol and distillates of agricultural origin in alcoholic beverages.

Wine and Olive Oil Regulations

  • Dutch implementation of Basic Regulation 1308/2013, as regards wine and olive oil.

Directive 2000/36

  • Relating to the composition and compulsory names for cocoa and chocolate products.

WWB Cocoa and Chocolate

  • National implementation of Directive 2000/36. Contains additional ruled for, among other things, the plants that can be used for the extraction of fat other than milk fat.

Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2465

  • Supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 as regards marketing standards for eggs.

Regulation 1308/2013

  • This Regulation is the successor of Regulation 1234/2007: Annexe VII, Part VI.

Regulation 543/2011

  • Laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation 1234/2007 in respect of the fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables sectors.

Regulation 1333/2011

  • Regards the marketing standards for bananas, verification of compliance with these standards and requirements for notification in the banana sector.

WWR Drained Weight Preserved Mushrooms and Sauerkraut

  • These Regulations contain a determination method for the drained weight of preserved mushrooms and sauerkraut.

Directive 2001/110

  • On the composition and compulsory names for honey.

WWB Honey

  • Implementation of Directive 2001/10. Contains deviating key figures compared to the Directive in terms of free acids and substances non-soluble in water for some types of honey.

Directive 1999/4

  • Relating to the composition and compulsory names for coffee extracts and chicory extracts.

WWB Coffee and Chicory Extracts

  • Implementation of Directive 1999/4.

WWR Enzymes in flour and bread

  • On the enzymes that may be added to flour and in the preparation of bread.

WWB Flour and bread

  • Sections 6a and 15 contain the requirements for the concentration of dry substance in bread categories.

WWB Preparation and Handling of Food

  • Section 4a: compulsory warning on poultry meat.

Regulation 543/2008

  • On the marketing standards for poultry meat. Annexe V contains conditions for the use of terms like "free-range".

Regulation 1308/2013

  • Definitions of poultry meat: Annexe II, Part VIII.

Decree Animal products

  • Contains the conditions for use of the indications "free-range ......" and "......... free-range".

WWB Spices and Condiments

  • On the composition and permitted names for spices and condiments.

Directive 2001/111

  • Composition and purity requirements for various sugar products.

WWB Sugars

  • National implementation of Directive 2001/111. Section 16: In derogation from Regulation 1169/2011 the net content does not need to be mentioned on packaging smaller than 20g.

Directive 2001/113

  • Names and composition of fruit jam, relating to fruit jams, jellies and marmalades and sweetened chestnut purée intended for human consumption.

WWB Preserved Fruit Products

  • National implementation of Directive 2001/113.

Exemption Decree Fruit Jam with Low Sugar Concentration

  • Exemption is granted from section 13 of the Dutch Commodities (Preserved Fruit Products) Decree 2002 for a fruit jam with a low sugar concentration or a marmalade with a low sugar concentration and commodities with a sugar concentration that is reduced by at least 30% where sugars were not replaced by sweeteners.

Wine and Olive Oil Regulations

  • National implementation of Regulation 1308/2013 as regards olive oil.

Regulation 1308/2013

  • Annexe VII, part VII, Appendix II: Names of spreadable fat products.

WWB Spreadable Fat Products

  • Baking and cooking products; requirement for concentration of erucic acid and isomers.

WWR Enzymes in flour and bread

  • On the enzymes that may be added to flour and in the preparation of bread.

Regulation 1760/2000

  • Establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and regarding the labelling of beef and beef products. Article 12 contains definitions, including: minced meat, trimmings and cut meat.

Regulation 1825/2000

  • Implementing Regulation of Regulation 1760/2000. Contains additional labelling rules for, among other things, trimmings and prepacked cut meat.

WWB Meat, Minced Meat and Meat Products

  • Contains a definition of minced meat that deviates from the European definition for minced meat. Indication of "half-and-half" and "lean" for meat preparations.

Regulation 1337/2013

  • Laying down rules for the indication of the country of origin or the location of origin for fresh, refrigerated or frozen meat of pigs, sheep, goats and poultry.

Animal Products Regulation

  • Definitions for production animals: Annexe I with section 2.17.

Regulation 1379/2013

  • Among other things, additional indications for fish: marketing name, production method, fishing area.

WWR Marketing Names Fish

  • Contains the list with marketing names, as intended in Article 37 paragraph 1 of Regulation (EU) 1379/2013.

Directive 2001/112

  • On composition requirements and names for fruit juices, nectars and most.

WWB Fruit Juices

Directive 2012/12

  • Amends Directive 2001/112 relating to fruit juices and certain similar products for human consumption.

WWB Preparation and Handling of Food

  • Section 11: Caffeine / quinine concentration of lemonade / soft drink.

Directive 2009/54

  • Names and requirements for additional details for water, mineral water, well water.

WWB Packed Water

  • National implementation of Directive 2009/54. Contains additional criteria, among other things related to the Dutch Drinking Water Act.

Regulation 1308/2013

  • Annexe VII, Parts III and IV: definitions and names for milk and other dairy products.

WWB Dairy

  • National implementation of various dairy directives. Regards milk, buttermilk, yoghurt, custard, cheese, curd.

Directive 2015/2203

  • On the legislation relating to casein and caseinates for human consumption.

WWR Casein and Caseinates 2016

  • National implementation of Directive 2015/2203.

Directive 2001/114

  • On partly or wholly dehydrated preserved milk for human consumption.

WWR Dehydrated Milk

  • National implementation of Directive 2001/114. On milk powder, coffee cream, condensed milk and the like.

Animal Products Regulation

  • On the composition requirements of Gouda, Edam and Commission cheese.

Inspection Regulations COKZ Cheese

  • On national cheese marks and cheese preparation.

Regulation 445/2007

  • Laying down certain detailed rules for the application of Regulation No 2991/94 laying down standards for spreadable fats and of Regulation No 1898/87 on the protection of designations used in the marketing of milk and milk products.

Specific food

Regulation 609/2013

  • On food intended for infants and young children, food for special medical purposes and total diet replacement for weight control.

Regulation 2016/127

  • Supplementing Regulation 609/2013 as regards the specific compositional and information requirements for infant formula and follow-on formula and as regards requirements on information relating to infant and young child feeding. Effective from 22 February 2020.

Regulation 2016/128

  • Supplementing Regulation 609/2013 as regards the specific compositional and information requirements for food for special medical purposes. Replacing Directive 1999/21.

Communication of the Commission of 25 November 2017

  • On the classification of food for special medical purposes.

Directive 2006/125

  • On processed cereal-based foods and baby foods for infants and young children.

Directive 2002/46

  • This Directive applies to prepacked food supplements that are marketed as food. Not applicable to medicinal products as described in Directive 2001/83/EC.

WWB Food Supplements

  • National implementation of Directive 2002/46.

WWB Herbal Preparations

  • Contains the list of plants that cannot be used and the list of plants that are deemed to contain toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Not applicable to herbs meant for medical preparations.

Commodities Act exemption food supplements

  • Regarding the presence of vitamins, A, B6 and D in food supplements.

Animal Feed Decree 2012

  • Concerns animal feed rules.

Feed Regulations 2012

  • Concerns animal feed regulations.

Regulation (EC) No 183/2005

  • Regarding requirements for feed hygiene.

Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009

  • Regarding health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption.

Regulation (EU) No 142/2011

  • Implementing Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and implementing Directive 97/78/EC as regards certain samples and items exempt from veterinary checks at the border under that Directive.

Regulation (EC) No 767/2009

  • Regarding the placing on the market and use of feed.

Regulation (EU) 2020/354

  • Regarding the establishing of a list of intended uses of feed intended for particular nutritional purposes.

Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003

  • Regarding additives for use in animal nutrition.

Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/758

  • Regarding the status of certain products as feed additives within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 and on the withdrawal from the market of certain feed additives.

Directive 2002/32/EC

  • Regarding undesirable substances in animal feed.

    Directive (EU) 2019/904

  • Regarding the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.

Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2151

  • Regarding rules on harmonised marking specifications on single-use plastic products listed in Part D of the Annex to Directive (EU) 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.

Regulation on single-use plastic products

  • Contains rules on designated single-use plastic products.

Decree on single-use plastic products

  • Concerning rules on single-use plastic products, products made of oxo-degradable plastics and fishing gear containing plastic.

Packaging Management Decree 2014

  • Regarding rules for packaging and packaging waste.

    Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004

  • On materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.

Regulation (EC) No 2023/2006

  • On good manufacturing practice for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.

Regulation (EU) nr. 10/2011

  • On plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.

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